The Phoenix Cups Website
This website has blogs and information about the Phoenix Cups - and it hosts our world famous Quiz!
Buy our book
Our book, The Phoenix Cups®: a Cup Filling Story, is a theoretical framework delivered through an endearing tale that will enrich your relationships and increase your wellbeing.
28 Day Wellbeing Challenge
A revolutionary step towards understanding and planning for your fulfilment. Using the research-based Phoenix Cups framework, you will develop a personal & relevant wellbeing plan, then engage in a 28 day challenge of brief but effective activities.
28 Day Wellbeing Challenge with Phoenix Cups 101 booklet
We know that when we are running on empty, we need to put our own oxygen mask on first because you can’t pour from an empty cup. We connect with these phrases. We get that sometimes you feel like you’ve got nothing left or you’re running dangerously low and need to refill. We’ve heard these sayings …
Take the Quiz
Take this 10 minute quiz to determine your dominant Cups.
The Phoenix Cups Blog
Feel like reading into the Cups? Here's some of our blogs.
Listen to our podcast
Click here to listen to our podcast; Cupify This!