Claire Paino

Claire Paino

About Claire

With over a decade's experience in Educational Leadership, as an Inclusion Consultant and most recently as an Early Parenting Educator- Claire brings a unique skillset to her role as Facilitator at Phoenix Support for Educators. Claire works with a key focus on supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of both children and the adults who support them. 

Claire holds a Bachelor of Social Science (Behavioural Studies) and a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, which equips Claire with the theory and knowledge to compliment her practical experience and passion for supporting Educators and Teachers to realise their projects and goals. Claire looks forward to this important work with services. 

Claire is an advocate for play and for the ongoing commitment to high quality service provision within the sector. 

In her spare time, Claire loves to fill her Freedom Cup by learning new things, exploring inner city Melbourne or planning her next trip away.


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